Armenia returns four villages to Azerbaijan


Armenia has returned four border villages to Azerbaijan, a significant milestone in their efforts to normalize relations. This transfer, confirmed by officials from both nations, has sparked protests in Armenia but is seen as a crucial step towards a comprehensive peace agreement. The villages, part of a longstanding territorial dispute, were seized by Armenia in the 1990s during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Azerbaijan regained control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region last year after a brief but intense conflict, ending decades of Armenian rule. This victory led to significant displacement, with many Armenians forced to leave their homes. The return of the villages is part of a broader effort to resolve these complex territorial issues and establish lasting peace in the region.

The decision to return the villages followed months of diplomatic negotiations and was accompanied by a newly brokered border demarcation deal. This agreement outlines the specific boundaries between Armenia and Azerbaijan, aiming to prevent future conflicts and promote stability. International mediators, including representatives from Russia and the European Union, played key roles in facilitating these talks.

In Armenia, the decision has been met with mixed reactions. Some view it as a necessary concession to achieve peace, while others see it as a betrayal of national interests. Protests have erupted in Yerevan, with demonstrators calling for the government to reconsider the agreement. Despite the domestic controversy, the Armenian government remains committed to the peace process, emphasizing the long-term benefits of a stable and cooperative relationship with Azerbaijan.

The return of the villages is expected to pave the way for further negotiations on other contentious issues, including the status of Nagorno-Karabakh itself. Both countries have expressed a willingness to continue dialogue, with hopes that these efforts will lead to a durable resolution of their historic conflict.


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