Israel continues its bombing campaign in Gaza, targeting areas including Rafah, despite a ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to stop the attacks

 Israeli forces have intensified their strikes, resulting in dozens of Palestinian deaths across the besieged territory

Israel has intensified its bombing campaign in Gaza, including Rafah, despite a ruling from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to halt the offensive. Multiple Palestinian casualties have been reported across central and northern Gaza due to renewed attacks.

On Saturday, Israeli forces targeted the Shaboura camp and areas near the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah. The hospital has called for fuel deliveries to continue operations.

The ICJ's recent ruling, the third this year, highlighted the immense risk to the 1.4 million Palestinians sheltering in Rafah. Since the offensive began on May 7, over 800,000 Palestinians have been displaced. The UN aims to mitigate the escalating death toll and severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the ICJ ruling, calling the genocide charges "false and morally repugnant." UN special rapporteur Francesca Albanese urged for sanctions against Israel to stop the assault.

In northern Gaza, Israeli attacks on the as-Saftawi neighborhood and Jabalia refugee camp killed several people and displaced many. Gaza City also faced heavy shelling, with multiple casualties reported. Kamal Adwan Hospital remains surrounded by Israeli troops, hindering patient treatment.

Israeli forces also attacked Wadi Gaza, killing at least six people. Aid trucks in this area have been impeded, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis. Central Gaza's Nuseirat refugee camp faced airstrikes, resulting in more deaths.

The Rafah border crossing with Egypt was seized by Israeli troops, further slowing aid deliveries. UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths called for an end to the violence and the release of hostages to prevent famine in Gaza.


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